Advertisements have a great way of portraying prducts to look good. Some of them are very persuasive and some are not. In this particular advertisement we see that it portrays cheese as being an American thing to eat. Which in fact I believe cheese has had a great affect on us as well as other dairy products have too. It is something that we have come to value and love. The fact that we have access to such a great product that tastes so great, it has become more of a want than a need. We as Americans, have become one of the unhealthiest nations because of the excessive amounts of foods we have access to. We take things for granted and consume so much of certain products without thinking of the health factors behind it. It is something that our nation has widely ignored. Food advertisements are not going to give us much health factors either. But even if they did, many of us still do not care and eat these products because that is how we have been raised. It is the “American” thing to do. We also must admit that because of the awesome taste some of these products provide, it is why we ignore these factors.
Some of these foods just become addictions. Even if we know they are bad for our health, we still eat these products because of the great taste satisfaction they provide us. My addiction is cheese. For this reason Ichosed this ad to write about. I love cheese! I always have to have cheese in almost everything I eat. I like cheese in enchiladas, tortas, salads, pasta, lasagña, tacos, potatoes and beans. There are also macaroni and cheese, grilled cheese sandwiches, quesadillas, and nachos too. There is just so much you can do with cheese as well as many different types. There are riccotta, parmesan, swiss, american, cheddar cheese, cream cheese, and many more! You can say that i am one of those peoples who ignore health factors too. But like i mentioned, cheese is not just my addiction but it has become a very popular addiction that many have acquired too. For example, earlier in the semester I had a guest speaker in my class trying to express his feelings towards why we should consider going vegan. He explained that the main reason why people become vegetarians instead of vegan is because of cheese and how many can not let go of this product. Although, too much dairy can be bad and lead to health problems. According to goodelements.com, it is said that the consumption of dairy from animals is bad because often hormone, pesticide, and anti-biotic residues are present in these products which causes us to get exposed with infections and other health problems. Consuming too much dairy products has a higher risk at health problems than consuming meats. Ads do not really help in providing us this kind of information. But even though some of us may know thes factors, we ignore them and continue eating the foods we love. It is something that we have become accostumed to. It is just so hard to say no to something that tastes so great! Cheese is something that has become so popular in foods.
I must say that I am a cheese lover as well, and I have to have cheese in just about anything I eat, but with the exception of Asian foods. And I agree with your idea about we eating the foods we love but disregarding that should we consume too much portion, it can cause bad health effects. But I think nowadays people start to get an idea that it is bad to eat too much of just one specific kinds of food-- which is why there's all these food systems commercial going on on T.V. Some people realized that they should cut the habit so they can live a better and healthier live in the future, but others don't, probably because the old habits are hard to get rid of.
ReplyDeleteAnd I've seen on commercials that the cheese slices such as Kraft are saying that their product is now 50% less fat or completely organic-- it's another way to make buyers purchase their product more with the label of less fat or made with whole organic milk and not processed. Maybe while they say that their cheese is made organic and have less fat, they add ingredients that makes us addict to the cheese and crave for more... Who knows? It's really difficult to tell whether the stuff we buy are truly organic or not.
I agree with you, that many food advertisements are very persuasive. Your ad that you chose is symbolizing cheese as the American idol. America is seriously the unhealthiest nations ever. I agree that we take for granted all the products we eat and consume everyday. Speaking for myself, as a vegetarian, I would not be able to become a vegan and not eat cheese and milk and other dairy products. It would be too much of a hassle to deal with. This ad is saying that cheese is good in a sandwich or in anything. It is representing that cheese is an American food that we use every day. I never thought that consuming meats is less bad than consuming cheese. I really want to watch what I eat but I am too lazy and my hunger gets the best of me all the time. My craving for many different foods will not go away ever. Once I became vegetarian, cheese has been one of my best friends. Cheese is my substitute, which is probably not great for me.