Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My new comments can be found on Noor's page. I commented on both her articles.

Super Man milk ad

Advertisements are used to grab people’s attention. It is used primarily as a way to persuade people to buy an item. Milk ads in particular use famous actors as well as athletes to attract customers. In this particular ad, Super Man is being used. He is a famous well-known “Super Hero”. We have all seen him in movies, cartoons, as well as in comic books. This ad is very catchy because of the way Super Man is being portrayed. In this ad we can picture that Super Man is a big fan of milk and must drink it daily. And if Super Man drinks milk, it must be good. Therefore, it makes customers believe that they should drink it too. For if you can not read the message this milk advertisements states, it says “Super, That’s how milk makes you feel. The calcium helps bones grow strong. So even if you are not from Krypton, you can have bones of steel”. It delivers the message that even if you are not from Krypton like Super Man, you can still be like him if you drink milk. You can be strong, made out of steel, and be super like Super Man. Although we all know that milk alone can make you grow big muscles like that and make you look like Super Man, is this Milk ad really false? Does it portray something it should not? The purpose of this ad as we all know is to persuade us to buy milk. But besides the great profit milk gets off of consumers, what do we as customers get in return? We get the great taste, obviously, as well as milk indeed contains the calcium that our bodies need. “Calcium is needed for muscle contraction, calcium leads to our bone structure, bone recovery, and bone health….” The less calcium we consume daily weakens our bones. We will not be able to survive without calcium. Therefore, milk ads are great. They are made to persuade the customer to buy milk. It is best for our health. It contains the “whole package” of calcium needed for our daily diets.

Pumpkin Pie

To begin, first I would like to tell you what pumpkin pie is. Pumpkin pie is a North American traditional sweet dessert. The pie consists of the following ingredients: pumpkin-based custard, op crust, nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, and ginger.
During the Fall season, all you see around the grocery stores are pumpkin pies in every single table. It is a common tradition for Thanksgiving and Christmas to have pumpkin pie as your main dessert due to “Pumpkin being a symbol of Harvest time...” Customers buy pumpkin pie and into this tradition to show their holiday spirit. But have you ever wondered that besides being the symbol for Harvest time, what other significant does the pumpkin carry?
Pumpkin pie is a tradition brought by the Pilgrims, also referred as Native Americans, around the 1600s. After a long harsh winter where many Settlers had died as well as Pilgrims, the Pilgrims had a successful harvest. They survived with squash and pumpkin. Fifty three pilgrims survived. At Plymouth, to show thanks to the settlers for their help, they gave pumpkins as gifts to settlers. They then taught them the many uses of pumpkin. Fifty years later pumpkin pie was distributed among America’s first Thanks giving day. They considered it to be a religious day. They gave thanks to God and amongst themselves for still being there.
After many years we have still continued this tradition. It is something that we have all become accustomed to and have adapted. Like mentioned, pumpkin pie is very significant in the Fall season. It was brought by Native Americans and helped them survive. It was also used in the first Thanksgiving ever. Now why have we as people have we adapted to this tradition and why is it important to show holiday spirit? We mainly do this because pumpkin is traditionally used for Thanksgiving. We show our spirit to show gratitude and appreciation for the things we have. That is the key to holidays. We all come together and give thanks to God, family, love, and happiness. For pumpkin pie helped bring two groups of people together, the settlers and the pilgrims. Without pumpkin and squash, the settlers and pilgrims would have not survived and have created the special holiday of Thanksgiving. To give is what we have learned form them. We should not be selfish and always consider our wants. We most always think of others before ourselves and always show appreciation for life.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Re-do on comment for http://marippe-pam.blogspot.com

Food Traditions and Rituals

Your article about the manju is really interesting. Although I have only tried rice cakes before and they are really good, I just never imagined the belief behind it. Every culture has their own beliefs on certain types of food. The only thing to do is just respect one anothers traditions because some people are really strong believers about certain things. The things people eat and belive about the food can sometimes be because of religion.
But even though some things may seem awkward to us we shouldn't judge other cultures.
Now about the eel water, I have never heard of eel water before. I dont know much about what has vitamins and what does not. It is crazy though about how it is also believed it will help produce children and how it works as a sexual enhancement. I have really never heard of such things only about products people publicize on TV commercials and stuff they use in stores which who knows if they really works. It's kind of funny to me to hear about those things in TV. The things on TV sound false. But the eel water it's more natural it's cool how it is proven to work. Maybe it would help if more people knew about it so it can help those who have difficulties producing.

Food Coloring

Re-Do on comment for htt://marippe-pam.blogspot.com

That is so true about how we define flavors with colors. Society is just acustomed to each of these colors pertaining to each of the different flavors. Like how you mentioned yellow=lemon and so forth. I believe that a lot of people would feel disgusted eating chocolate icecream and its not brown but yellow. I think even myself would feel weird trying something new because we are so used to those colors meaning certain flavors. It's just the way we are made to believe.Everything is labeled in colors. Another example how we use colors to indicate stuff and have meaning is with traffic lights. Red means stop. Yellow means slow down. Green means go. Imagine if the colors for traffic lights changed and each one had their own meaning? It would cause a lot of problems. It would probably cause more car accidents. People would be confused. Another way we out meaning to colors is by using them to express how we feel. for example when people say "I'm blue", they use the color blue to signify they are sad. Yellow means happy. Even for when it comes to roses we use color to give meaning. I believe yellow was for just friends and red is for love. Each different color rose has its own meaning. When it comes to defining sex we use colors. For instance, blue is for boy and pink is for girl. Imagine if it ws the other way around? Imagine if the meaning of colors changed? the world would go mad!