Friday, October 2, 2009

Food Coloring

Re-Do on comment for htt://

That is so true about how we define flavors with colors. Society is just acustomed to each of these colors pertaining to each of the different flavors. Like how you mentioned yellow=lemon and so forth. I believe that a lot of people would feel disgusted eating chocolate icecream and its not brown but yellow. I think even myself would feel weird trying something new because we are so used to those colors meaning certain flavors. It's just the way we are made to believe.Everything is labeled in colors. Another example how we use colors to indicate stuff and have meaning is with traffic lights. Red means stop. Yellow means slow down. Green means go. Imagine if the colors for traffic lights changed and each one had their own meaning? It would cause a lot of problems. It would probably cause more car accidents. People would be confused. Another way we out meaning to colors is by using them to express how we feel. for example when people say "I'm blue", they use the color blue to signify they are sad. Yellow means happy. Even for when it comes to roses we use color to give meaning. I believe yellow was for just friends and red is for love. Each different color rose has its own meaning. When it comes to defining sex we use colors. For instance, blue is for boy and pink is for girl. Imagine if it ws the other way around? Imagine if the meaning of colors changed? the world would go mad!

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